Wednesday, May 28, 2008

2 brown, 1 green.

New chicks are thriving. Think some of the older meat birds will be ready to slaughter June 8-12. Still haven't slaughtered a duck, but no new birds killed by duck rape. Will slaughter a duck same time the first few chickens get slaughtered (will also slaughter 1 stewing hen).

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

1 brown, 1 green so far today. 1 more brown and 1 brown cannibalized.

2 brown Monday. Helped friend move until late on Monday, so no swim.
Got home and RC went out to play, came back with a juvenile rat in his mouth, which he paraded in front of me, then took outside to play with some more. RC Gizmo is living up to his name!

Sunday, May 25, 2008

2 brown

Saturday 1 brown, 1 green.

I've been moving the younger meat birds into the Segregated area about 3 per day. No problems. I've put a second 1 gallon waterer out for them. Going to get a second feeder and should have all the meat birds out by mid week. The remaining layers probably can move too.

Friday, May 23, 2008

2 brown, 1 green.

Moved 2 larger second hatching meat birds to the segregated area. They're not much smaller than the RI and Blackplumed birds, much much smaller than the first hatching meat birds. This is something of an experiment, if they thrive I'll be moving 2-3 birds every couple of days.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Monday, May 19, 2008

2 brown

split the younger chicks into two groups today. Will need a third brood area before they're ready to go into the segregated area.

Older chicks are thriving.

No new deaths.

Sunday, May 18, 2008

3 brown Saturday.

1 brown Sunday.

Swam usual mile Sunday.

3 of the new chicks died, not sure why, but the heat may have had something to do with it. 2 meat birds, 1 barred rock.

The older chicks are doing fine.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

1 brown.

Chicks are settled in to their yard.

I think I'm going to enjoy eating the meat birds. They're looking pretty tasty already... Hatchery says 6-8 weeks for males to reach weight (3-4 pound dressed) and 1 1/2 weeks more for females. So slaughter 3 birds June 8, and the other 3 around the solstice.

New order of birds has some of a another meat variety - reaches 3-4 pounds in 8-9 weeks, and 6-8 pounds in 12 weeks. So slaughter date is July 19 - August 3.

Swam last night usual mile +.

Wednesday, May 14, 2008

1 brown today.

Chicks are very happy in their yard.

Current hens are getting fresh straw this may bring them out of their laying funk. I think the shock of 3 hens dying from being raped by ducks put them off ... But the low production is not appreciated.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

1 brown egg Monday.

made a segregated area for the new chicks. 6 CX, 3 RI, 1 Black chick in new area. Cat was interested, I gave him a bit of a talking to - told him that the chicks are off limits.

Sunday, May 11, 2008

No eggs for past few days. Or possibly eggs are being cannibalized.

Reposting chick stats:
So there are 6 Cornish X, 3 RI Red, and 1 black plumed chick of unknown provenance still.

New order came in today:
11 Cornish Roasters (CR)
7 Cornish X Rock (CX)
4 Barred Rock (BR)
3 Rhode Island Red (RI)
Unknown exotic.

6 cornish X will be out in segregated area of chicken yard with a 1 gallon waterer and a 6 pound feeder. The 3 RI and 1 black chick will go out next week - they're substantially smaller than the meat birds.

Will be having the 2 new chicks in one brooder (30 gallon tote) for 2 weeks, will segregate meat birds May 25 - perhaps they will go out with the other meat birds and the new hens at that time.

Friday, May 09, 2008

1 brown

yesterday 1 brown.

So the remaining flock has had a major production drop. I think the duck slaughter on Sunday may help. I talked with my former stepson about it another time - he gave clearance back in November, but his mother had moved back since then, and if she had been living in the house she bought I thought it was possible she'd want the ducks. Nope, she's living in a town.

So one of the ducks is being slaughtered on Sunday. An enclosure for the young chickens is going to be made - they'll have separate food and water and a place to roost early next week. The next 26 baby chicks come in next week.

I need to get storage for chick starter and a new 12 pound feeder, plus a waterer for young chicken area.

Going to be some yummy chickens in June and July.

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Back in California.

2 dozen eggs collected, no idea what day they were laid.

3 hens were killed by duck rape. The ducks have to be slaughtered soon. New chicks coming next week, existing chicks are about old enough to be out in the yard, but not with the ducks killing full grown hens.

Thursday, May 01, 2008

Tuesday: 6 brown, 1 green.

Swam usual Monday night. Weds-Tues traveling.

March 11 1 white, 2 green 3 day: 3W, 0B, 5G 7 day: 7W, 2B, 10G W:1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1 B:0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1 G:2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2