Saturday, September 30, 2006

Thursday: 2 blue
Friday: 0
Saturday: 1 blue, 1 brown (+ one brown cannibilzed)

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Tuesday: 2 brown

Monday swim 1000,500,300+cs+elemb

swim 1000,500,300

Monday, September 25, 2006

Saturday: 0 (one brown cannibilzed)

swim 1000,500,300+cs+elemb

Sunday: 3 brown

Monday: 5 brown, 1 green

Friday, September 22, 2006

Thursday: 3 brown
Friday: 0 (one green cannibilized - found on shelf above laying boxes)

Wednesday, September 20, 2006

Wednesday: 0. that's right zero, not even any cannibalized. What's up with this?

Actually probably will find 2-3 green eggs, one of the americauna hens gets out of the fenced range area and is laying I think - she had a couple of hiding spots that I've made impossible for her to sit... she's got someplace new and is providing eggs to local rodents.

Swim 1000,500,300+cs+elemb

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

Monday: 1 brown (+ 1 brown cannabilized)

No swim.
Tuesday: 2 brown (+ 1 brown, 1 green cannabilized)

Monday, September 18, 2006

Saturday: 3 brown, 1 green (+ 1 brown cannibalized)
Sunday: 6 brown, 1 green

Sunday swim 1000,500,300+cs+elemb

Friday, September 15, 2006

Thursday: 1 green, 2 brown
Friday: 3 brown

Looks like molting season, lots of feathers in coop - might explain the drop in production.

Thursday, September 14, 2006

Wednesday: 3 brown, 1 green
Found 4 green eggs hidden - one was partly cannabilized, plus two remnants of brown eggs.

Swim 1000,500,300+cs+elemb

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Tuesday: 4 brown

They have to be hiding eggs somewhere, the zero production over the weekend makes no sense.

Monday swim: 1000,500,300+cs+elemb (mixed it up due to uncertainity about how much time I had... makes more sense to do the extra at the end I think).

Monday, September 11, 2006

Sunday: 0
Monday: 0

I didn't get a chance to check for eggs all day Sunday, and only checked on Monday late in the day. No scratch on Sunday. I'm expecting a major binge of egg laying Tuesday as the girls make up for lost time.

There's also the possibility they've laid outside of the laying boxes and I need to discover their new egg hideout.

Did not swim Sunday, should get regular set in tonight. Tomorrow's post will confirm.

Saturday, September 09, 2006

Thursday: 2 brown, 1 green
Friday: 4 brown, 1 green
Saturday: 1 brown (+ 1 brown cannabilized). New straw in henhouse.

Swim:1000,500,300 (some time pressure, didn't do the cs+elemb).

Wednesday, September 06, 2006

Sunday, September 03, 2006

Sunday: 1 green, 2 brown.

Swimming looks problematic this week, HS football and other events kept me out this weekend. If pool is open tomorrow I'll get a swim in in the evening. Wednesday night is out. Saturday may be out for other events.

I'm bummed, I really would like 2 miles a week minimum and preferably 3 miles (or even 4).

Saturday, September 02, 2006

Thursday: 2 brown, 1 green (+ 2 brown cannibilzed)

Friday: 2 green (+ 1 brown cannibilized)

Saturday: 1 green, 7 brown

  December 27   Production started before the solstice - I collected 3 white eggs on December 20, and an egg every other day since then. On ...