Sunday, January 13, 2008

Chickens have fresh straw in their coop, had their usual hen party spreading it about.

One egg today, a jumbo brown one. First egg since I started blogging again.

None of the aracaunas is laying at present, both are fully fledged including their tails. Neither is escaping.

I should relate a chicken story from late summer. I was vacationing in Europe, drinking a fine Belgian ale in a small pub in Amsterdam. I get a text message from a member of my motorcycle club that animal control had left a note on my door about the chickens being neglected. I relayed this to the other patrons of the pub who were surprised that a software engineer from California would keep chickens. I told them everything was going to be OK and returned to my beer.

In truth the chickens had four levels of care givers - my next door neighbors, neighbors both up and down the hill from my house and the afore mentioned mc club member. So he called animal control and told them he'd be personally responsible until my return, I emailed him thanks and let him know that they should have been fine already. Animal control also told him that in addition to the welfare check they had a complaint about a loose animal.

I get back from Europe about a week later. I talk with all 3 neighbors about chicken care and am assured that the chickens had food and water checked at least daily. Late August can be hot, and the ducks could have splashed water. Regardless the hens and ducks weren't going to be suffering from no water as they'd have it refilled within the day.

I called animal control and arrange to meet them. I immediately determined that the officer was friendly and not wanting to be confrontational. After showing him the feeder and water and discussing the caregivers I had arranged I asked about why he had come out. he said that he'd had a complaint about neglected animals, done an inspection over the fence - hadn't seen the feeder, but seen healthy animals that had water. He also had a complaint about a loose (stray) animal. I told him about the escape artist aracauna hen, said I could slaughter her if need be, but maybe not, it might be worth risking a fine to tell a jury about the chicken that crossed the road. We both laughed at that and he said it wouldn't be necessary to slaughter her.

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March 11 1 white, 2 green 3 day: 3W, 0B, 5G 7 day: 7W, 2B, 10G W:1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1 B:0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1 G:2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2