Sunday, January 25, 2009

1 green, 5 brown

Saturday 3 brown.

That's 22 brown eggs from Monday-Sunday, and 4 green eggs in the same period.

8 brown egg layers - 22/8 eggs per week or 2 3/4 brown eggs per hen per week. In truth I have my doubts that all 4 older brown egg layers are producing (this could be 22 eggs over 6 or 7 hens for 3.66 or 3.14 eggs per hen).

4 green eggs from one hen in the same week. I expect brown egg production to increase, green egg production to be 4 or 5 per week, probably a 4,4,5 repeating sequence. Brown eggs should go to 30+ per week over coming months - if the brown layers match the americauna's production that would be at least 32 brown eggs per week.

I'll keep an eye on the 7 day moving production window the next couple of weeks. One thing is clear though - I will be eating a lot of quiche in the coming weeks.

New beer fridge will provide freezer space for quiche. I also will look at custards and flans, I think both will be quite tasty menu additions.

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March 11 1 white, 2 green 3 day: 3W, 0B, 5G 7 day: 7W, 2B, 10G W:1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1 B:0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1 G:2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2