Thursday, July 30, 2009

4 brown (1S,3L)

chicks have been free to leave segregated area since yesterday. 4 were in the coop, 5 in segregated area when I collected eggs. There was one older hen in the coop, didn't seem to be abusing the chicks.

Wednesday, July 29, 2009

2 brown (1S,1L)

I've opened the segregation area so chicks can leave it, they were staying put when I checked them a couple of hours later.

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Sunday 4 brown (2S,2L)

I've let the young chicks out into the full size coop. There's one old hen in there with them, so the chicks should have incentive to learn how to run back to the segregated area when she pecks them to establish dominance.

Saturday 2 brown (2L)

Swam usual.

I've not found any fresh green eggs since the last raccoon predation. The old americauna is still getting out of the chicken yard.... there's bound to be a stash of her eggs somewhere, once I find them I'll remove those of unknown age and then start collecting green shelled eggs again.

Friday, July 24, 2009

3 brown (1S,2L)

Chicks are roosting at night. First night 2 roosted, other 7 huddled together. Now all 9 are roosting on a 2x2 about 16 inches off the ground. I've kept them in the segregated area... one of the americaunas got out today, put her back. I think she may end up being the new chicken that crosses the road.

Thursday 3 brown (1S,2L)

Wednesday 2 brown (2L)

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

3 brown (1S,2L)

5 week old chicks were put into the chicken coop yesterday. I had built a segregation area that does not allow older hens access, using some 1 inch chicken wire.

About 2 hours after I put the chicks out they had used their new freedom to get in trouble. The chicken yard is fenced with 2x4 inch welded wire. 5 week old chicks can fit through this size fence with some difficulty. 2 chicks were stuck, the other 7 were distressed and harassed by the older hens. Eventually I shepherded all the young chicks back to their area. All were fine in the morning. I may keep them confined to the segregation area for a week, once they're fully acclimated then let them have the run of the yard. By then they should be too big to fit through 2x4 welded wire.

Monday, July 20, 2009

3 brown (1S,2L) + 1 brown cannibalized (1L).

swam usual.

Sunday 1 brown (1S)

Sunday, July 19, 2009

Brew Day
Solomon's Oatmeat Stout (Imperial Stout)
16# pale ale malt 1# chocolate male, 1# roast barley, 1# steel cut oats
4 gallons 130 degree water. Raise to 150 degrees at 60 minutes. Total mash time 100 minutes.

sparge 8 gallons 170 degree water

boil to 6.5 gallons. hop with 35 gm chinook 12.1% alpha 45 minutes.

boil to ~6.0 gallons
o.g. 1.064 (target f.g 1.014 - 7.4% ABV)
pitch 1056 american ale yeast.

I brewed this on my son Solomon's birthday in 1994, in 1993 I brewed it a couple of days prior. O.G has usually been over 1.074, I've had it as high as 1.095, mostly due to length of boil.

Friday, July 17, 2009

3 brown (1S,2L)

Thursday 1 brown (1L)

Didn't brew Friday, too hot. Brewing Sunday... Beer fridge is waiting on temperature controlled damper/louver to enable multiple temperature zones.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Brew plans:

I'm finally going to get the beer refrigeration unit done. Was held up with zone controls - need to have it blow air from freezer section to serving and lagering sections at set temperatures. Will be doing some custom mechanical work to provide inlet dampers and fans under appropriate controls.

Should have it charged with gas before Saturday.

Solomon Imperial Stout on Sunday 7/19
(16# pale, 1# choc, 1# Roast barley, 1# steel cut oats)

Brewing Abbey ale on Wednesday 7/22 (14# pale, 2# Crystal)

The next 4 beers depend on having a lagering area ready to go.

Reverberator bock on Saturday 7/25 (15 # pils, 3 # carapils)

Pils #1 on Tuesday 7/28 (11# pils, pils yeast)

Pils #2 on Friday 7/31 (11# pale, pils yeast)

Pils #3 on Sunday 8/2 (11# pils, Czech yeast)

Party on Saturday 8/15. Will have multiple pale ales, ESB, Zot d'amour, pilsner, bock, stout on tap. Munchies... Possibly celebrate new work as well.

The 3 pilsners are in the way of an experiment, I'll get some idea of yeast and malt interactions. The Bock is also a new recipe, should be ready in October.
3 brown (1S,2L)

Monday 2 brown (1S,1L)

Saturday, July 11, 2009

3 brown (1S,2L)

Friday 2 brown (1S,1L)
swam usual

Thursday 2 brown (2L)

Wednesday 2 brown (1S,1L) + 1 brown cannibalized (1L)

Tuesday, July 07, 2009

1 brown (1S) + 1 brown cannibalized (1S)
Brew Day - Kriek
11 pounds Belgian Pale ale malt, 4 pounds Gambrinus Wheat Malt
4 gallons 120 degree water
Bring to 140 degrees mix of initial mash water, 160 degree water.

Sparge 8 gallons 170 degree water

Boil to 6 gallons. Add 6 pounds pitted bing cherries. Boil to 5.5 gallons.

Pitch 1214 Abbey yeast.
o.g. 1.060.

add 6 pounds cherries in cane sugar/water, wit yeast at 10 days. This will change the amount of sugar available, final ABV will be higher.

Monday, July 06, 2009

Saturday, July 04, 2009

1 brown (1L) + 1 brown cannibalized (1L)

Friday 3 brown (2S,1L)
swam usual

Thursday 1 brown (1L) + 1 brown cannibalized (1S)

Wednesday, July 01, 2009

March 11 1 white, 2 green 3 day: 3W, 0B, 5G 7 day: 7W, 2B, 10G W:1,1,1,1,0,1,1,1,1 B:0,0,0,1,0,1,0,0,1 G:2,1,2,1,1,1,2,1,2